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rugosan stony coral makatea octocorallian dactylozooid scleractinian coraled endotheca palus coenenchym gastrozooid fringing reef cyathophylloid septocosta sea fan tabulate adnate yellowish exotheca hydrocoral curzerene schizocoral flabellid ovary porite anthocaulus sea scurf fungia lithogenous starfish marine cay lunulite montiporaiasis great barrier reef coralliferous ahermatypic scleractiniamorph coralligenous limestone bioherm barrier reef rhodolith hippuristanol cladiellane glomuliferous polyparium madreporiform cornein anthozoan corallaceous microatoll appurtenance meandrina bell coralize zoöthome plaything gastropore favid coral retepore pocilloporid amplexoid ceratophyte septum coralloidal tubiporite wenlock brain coral calicodermis coralloid stolonifera lobster heliopore polyp hexacorallian soft coral navaratna coral insect polypifer zoophyte corallum cnidarian corallivore sea willow colour sclerobase fungite synapticula coralliform montiporid coralligerous gonophore stylaster tabula low island coralline anthozoon madrepore coraller tetracoral atoll virgularian skeleton lithophyte gorgonian sclerenchyma framestone sea ginger phoenix islands acropsin elkhorn florida keys corallivory millepore coral island cook galaxin colony fungian ramulus sea mat black band disease polyparies hermatypic corallivorous corally anthocodium noncoral caryophylliid petoskey stone pink alcyonacian corals stolon appendix:colors calcaxonian keratophyte scleroseptum isis neocembrene coral reef dive sponge




Definition: a variable color averaging a deep pink

coral red coral precious coral

Definition: the hard stony skeleton of a Mediterranean coral that has a delicate red or pink color and is used for jewelry


Definition: unfertilized lobster roe; reddens in cooking; used as garnish or to color sauces


Definition: marine colonial polyp characterized by a calcareous skeleton; masses in a variety of shapes often forming reefs

Definition: Any of many species of marine invertebrates in the class Anthozoa, most of which build hard calcium carbonate skeletons and form colonies, or a colony belonging to one of those species.



Definition: of a strong pink to yellowish-pink color

Definition: Made of coral.

We hope you enjoyed looking up some related words and definitions. We use various open machine learning and human sources to provide a more coherent reference that pure AI can provide. Although there are similar sites out there, they are filled with nonsense and gibberish due to their pure machine learning approach. Our dataset is in part derived from ConceptNet and WordNet with our own sprinkle of magic. We're always working on improving the data and adding more sources. Thanks for checking us out!