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writer person rhyming verse author artist writes repentista chair chauceresque solonian poetess poetlike sweet swan of avon versificatrix sayersian ferdowsi macneicean creative dryden spenserian aisling durrellian vates gubbins versifier sidneyan baudelairean impressionism faulkneresque ovid cyclic poet poundian burroughsian melville orpheus wildean burnomania congrevian macphersonian verseman romantic sylvia plath effect audenesque byronian makar cowperian audenian astadiggaja lakist byron archilochian lucilian poetese skald nonpoet write mushaira donnean homer poetry slam southeyan southwellian versificator fluxus hesiod coleridgean heine poetship objectism versemaker browning poets emersonian maqta pope tennyson poetless bernhardian poetry pleiad longfellowian ammonsian mastersinger smartian poetic bard byronic poetly bardlet pindaresque poetling griot cinquecentist ibsenesque poethood ginsbergian keatsian poem middletonian macspaunday scop schillerian tempean faulknerian cowleyan pindarian yeatsian scalder poetaster poetizer lake poet taliesin aratus poeticule wordsworth eisteddfod rilkean isouian sassoonian shakespeare iambographer shenstonian chaucerian lucretian chattertonian muse sacer vates shelleyan félibre samasya hocclevean trouvère ibsenian keats rishi pindarism poe spenderian amygist poetesque scarronian housmanian bardie burns night scottian marinist milton blakean poeticize pasternakian catullus nashean danteist verve imagination verses writing verse writer profession frost whitman job human sonnet rhyming author art literature man ode writer ode literate sonnet writer literary artistic writes verse occupation prose verse author haiku rhyming writer lyrical stanzas sonnets frost whitman rob rob frost written rhyming verses literary person rhyming person lyricist peat romance writing art literary author talking talking man artistic writer fancy creative writer composer lyric fancy composer lyric writer lyrical writer writer verse whitman frost artist person house coffee coffee house wooing women wooing women shakespeare poe speaker writes sonnets passages rhyming passages writes verses haiku writer lines writes prose song write prose pen who who writes emotion stuff written stuff guy rhyming guy rhyming verse specific lyrical writing intellectual rhythmic rhythmic writer specific writer




Definition: a writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry)

Definition: A person who writes poems.

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