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test pass fail speculum cloze object finder take proctor going over mock exam opsy detect microtechnique transillumination recross examine hysteroscope autoscope cross examination overexamined cochleography salpingography tympanometry examsmanship microcolon trial crib note screening telemedicine midyear examinational morphoscopy grinder ileocolonoscopy eua candidate pluck mod zhuangyuan arthroscopy condition diplomatic bag exam paper deliberation say aah macrography referendar glossology study antroscopy nephroscopy relook furtle scopolamine resitter hyperresonance 11 plus examination analyze cytosmear conference rhinoscopy blood film ductoscopy at glance long case hypoechogenicity prefinals peruse examinations examining resit testamur tracheobronchoscopy bioscopy detention warrant haemoscope flunker sigmoidoscopy correct preapprehension pharyngoscopy thesis defense retroillumination reflexograph dop aleurometer melangeur skin challenge exam in end at guess laparoscopy redirect topper orthodiagraphy white glove test cerebroscopy ventilate rescrutiny junior certificate cineloop nooscopic qualifying vestibular manipulate numerus clausus fail rectosigmoidoscopy preexamination bluebook cyclopentolate greats funduscopy anoscopy closed book examinationless baccalaureat pyeloscopy final autorefraction higher neurology score invigilator uroscopy gobbet examinable re examination prejudicative mjdf murder board eleven plus keyhole surgery hysteroscopy retake workup sialography viva voce ileoscopy cholecystosonography interrogation incidentaloma little go examinatorial unseen capillaroscopy scance past paper macroscopy argyrophilic grain disease responsion proctoscopy inquiry dissection prosecution history winetasting under microscope great go scrutiny flexible sigmoidoscopy crammer bme perlustrate civil service stroboscopy nonexamination imperial examination histotechnology audit repercussion wholemount prejudication investigate metatheory revision eye test scope examination in chief private candidate cytopreparation moderator actinoscopy hyperechogenicity level review embryoscopy check fluoroscopy pathoanatomy speculation biopsy peniscopy spot check triple test quiz matriculation test paper horse phoropter hysterosalpingography leaving certificate tripos fire inspection biomicroscopy tracheoscopy exoscopy auscultator ten year series revise medical oral perlustration radioscopy doctor exam longer doctor office office results long long exam school school test final test doctor observation observation finals bar text



examination scrutiny

Definition: the act of examining something closely (as for mistakes)

examination exam test

Definition: a set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge; "when the test was stolen the professor had to make a new set of questions"

interrogation examination interrogatory

Definition: formal systematic questioning

examen examination

Definition: a detailed inspection of your conscience (as done daily by Jesuits)

examination testing

Definition: the act of giving students or candidates a test (as by questions) to determine what they know or have learned

Definition: The act of examining.

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