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animal water sea creature ocean swimming gills scales scale fins swimmer water animal food aquatic trout carp salmon sea animal bass underwater minnow aquarium pisces swimming animal sea creature swim shark marine in water swims aquatic animal has herring scaly water creature sardine underwater animal dweller fins gills animals tuna seafood mermaid life swimming creature haddock severum callipurbeckiid adelphophagy gadoid neuridin ichthyootoxin fishmonger pyridoxine garth pacific blackchin reedfish billard aspidorhynchiform molly basibranchial posttemporal megalichthyiform sauger miss harry hotlips meristic bradyodont macrosemiiform tongue creelman dipnoan halecostome plectognath sealife fin growler beam silvery pomfret mojarra larviculture hydrophid fish knife goujon bluestripe jollytail morris cottoid lumpsucker berry hepatopancreas lophosteiform matelote surgeonfish shiner fish crow cytogenetic siscowet edwardsiellosis thelodont zuni bluehead sucker lizardfish outside freeline spineback lepidophagy kebab swordfish euchondrocephalan surfboard meagre ichthyotoxic sea partridge smoltification torgoch piscidin pompano triggerfish grouper robust blacksmelt bannerfish mudfish macrourid whiff robofish elopid torpedo ichthyotoxin surfcast ichthyosarcotoxin clupeid swim bladder alarm substance sound carangid fishtank piscicolous pelican eel asp fly fish figure eight pickerel fishwoman take labyrinth fish osteoglossomorph salmonid pad steenbras fishweir sciaenid nasal fillet aba imbrication pollock panga blue whiting fishskin cornetfish waterzooi blancmange lamprologine gulper eel snakefish teleostome fatback grunt megalocytivirus overlapping stomiatoid scaroid protacanthopterygian pigfoot flosser fishburger atlantic salmon catchability ribbonfish rhinosphenoid otocephalan lant caudal peduncle copper moki fishlore bathydemersal willy skate flathead mullet pisciform furikake vairone dottyback fishfinding hatchetfish cycloganoid guppy bangda huchen anableps xiphioid hagfish archerfish sergeant baker cheven ichthyography black mudfish sea perch surmai photophore lamprey silverfin piscis austrinus oceanarium tongue sole shrimper shadine darter catch and release gwyniad lob fishly fishkeeper coalfish silurus darwin fish daggertooth rundown tilapia ruff scombrid viviparous fish feed beluga thoracic rainbowfish axial lobe suleah fish ichthyophagy sand eel whiting cavefish shioyaki sweetlips pescetarianism sparid cork ducana tiddler acousticolateralis tetraodontiform toaster basslet priest sibyrhynchid cyprinodont sabre carp bluehead cardinal tetra poach pachychormiform batsman opsophagos great white shark finnage ginglymodian pinfish doctorfish gilthead pterosphenoid cleithrum fishling tarpum stonefish tartare sauce i don't eat fish ichthyologist parrotfish subcarangiform euteleosteomorph corsair blacktail dredgerman skilfish pelvic fin razorfish mirmillo catalufa trachinoid fishkind clupeiform billfish veganism goldfish bowl fanskate monocentrid dragonfish redbait waterhorse rudderfish broggle cryptobenthic whalefish kabeljou siluriform speck overfish tripletail lates yellow jack shoalmate mangar kokopu lepisosteiform clingfish fishkeeping flashlight fish actinost horse mackerel swellfish fish farm halecomorph school zebra turkeyfish whirling disease garrupa hatch escabeche marblefish chikuwa eel supraclavicle redd spadefish fishy wishy dermatocranium alepidote trawl rasbora ethnoichthyology glassfish ichthyofauna neuromast spotted dragonet sablefish opaleye purchase tiger's milk troll mixogamous beryciform porolepiform pomfret saltchucker urohyal piscine fangtooth gannet scup snapper wet fly medusafish angleworm merlucciid mackereler ichthyopathology blackfish burgall roe myomere fumet palegold searsid crawl mosquitofish crab carangoid fox ectopterygoid puffer headstander bagoong lateral line lepidotrichium osteolepiform cackerel spear noodlefish hooknose berycoid myxini shorefish hillstream loach pufferfish elopomorph set netter embolomere cyclostome ichthyoid shrimp pomacentrid preoperculum pondfish whitebaiter paraglenal fish cop muggie fishdom icefish haarder suckermouth craft anhinga scorpionfish court bouillon fishmarket kench ichthys madrague poor man's caviar jawfish tetrodon cosmine ostraciont largemouth ostracoderm xiphophorine anabantiform chaud froid osprey quillback basipterygium smokie ophidioid yellowfish gardon escolar batrachoid precopula ray unicornfish salmoniform torsk brochette pope clownfish haaf flying gurnard chloroxylenol ngapi alligatorfish chondrichthyan paraphyletic dentalosplenial sequence squalomorph bouillabaisse fence time cypriniform cockup palatopterygoquadrate speldring endopterygoid asterolepid ichthyophobia prowfish bellowsfish poor cod elasmobranch piscicide nest linesider ichthyomancy piscatorial barbel labroid blacksmith toadfish jadi palaeoichthyologist polypteriform logperch etheostomoid thornback kutum antifish fishest paradentary dapediid merchild pencilfish whip leap pisciculturist poll dobule fish pound shovelnose lymphocystis elopocephalan skein swirl milter placoderm sichel acanthodid sturionian sea porcupine leptolepidid pterotic fish strainer threadfin margate fish elopoid plunderfish argentiniform jacopever northern snakehead articulary fish wheel bronze featherback filetail kannizzati louvar pharyngobranchial meristics fishapod harpoon fishless ling rockling ram cichlid ichthyopterygium dreamfish guapote piscina fishsicle payao silver chub nerfling herringer weir poacher hukilau goatfish blacken characiform spearfish trawler anadrom subbrachian bab ichthyomorph fish and chips tomtate aquariist gadiform chirinabe mollie teleost braize ratfish heck arthrodire nassau grouper bleak piscivore elpistostegid trash fish fry halieutics mesopelagic bone atherine goujonette isinglass entopterygoid upokororo ostariophysian pempek piscicidal lateral scale trigloid gade allice bottom feeder sea bream arapaima fishcatcher adnate ossean globefish starsnout jig fisherboy ice fish actinopterygian sea bass ichthidin fish stick fish bowl blue cod mimosa salad ichthyocide paugie fumado makeshift backtroller disgorger mackerel oblique swimming triplefin ctenoid scalimetry sea pie characin ichthyotoxicity metapterygium trawlable ciguatoxin cade fishcake waigieu seaperch dagon melanomacrophage sleepy cod humphead wrasse streaklight tubeshoulder cloaca beaked salmon becuna taramosalata gunnel bait bisque ichthyoacanthotoxin jack dempsey largenose snook chanpuru scombriform bristlemouth wattle neb ichthyophagous hippocamp ichthyo steak wildlife taiyaki silver trevally otophysic dredger tolkusha round herring silverside anacanthous quenelle eelblenny pirai spadetail cobia pinakbet semionotid rockfish pterygiophore blobfish larva sturgeon pisciculture john dory blueback white bass crab stick climbing gourami underfish donburi popeye blacksmelt splake rose fish carangiform palatoquadrate megalomycterid araara prawn paddlefish sheepshead swimbait roughhead small fry fish out stargazer gonopodium lyretail fisherman's luck armed bullhead fishhood chromide blower epipharyngeal lungfish pisci gaff tommy ruff matsya weely autopalatine fafrotskies tubeshoulder spanner barb shoal acanthomorph trachichthyid graining poker king george whiting wrymouth anthia overnet fishpool siluridan scad ronquil coho salmon bachelor ichthyomorphic kingfisher akutaq grey mullet ampulla of lorenzini sniggle vertebrate no take feeder fish caudal fin dip netter osmerid esocid plecoglossid collective noun interrenal milkfish ganoid grammicolepidid isotocin root effect clupeomorph game syngnathiform serranid brailer prebaiting whitefish bonaci percopsiform luderick fiji mermaid sergeant major boning hyostylic top minnow perciform osteoglossiform eurypterygian chowder hookset cold blooded rock fishlike zingel marined protocercal jobfish lionfish cultus cod mirapinnid anisakiasis propterygium cardinal ichthin labriform ichthyolatry goggler otomorph placoidian biwa trout chondrostean gigger sea louse white bream fizgig elopiform sushi roll cuckoldry supreme whitebait ichthyolith pneumogastric goldney aquaculture metapterygoid coop satay astronesthid corbina urodermal merman siamese fighting fish skipjack lafayette nannygai fishwich black carp drabble elasmodine close time silure cyprinid pâté sarcopterygian hypural quinaldine schizothoracine swordtail underfished eelpout drumfish piper gurnard fishbone omena coregonine fishcam pelagophil gnathostome goldstripe darter bonito acanthuroid telescopefish soapfish burbot fish finger pleco fish skin disease sciaenoid alevin mango tilapia piscivory arapaimid fishball gamefish sea loach unfishiness cyprinoid ballotine dentex spookfish lyriferous chirashizushi boxfish ghost knifefish sierra menhaden beachsalmon mohinga scarlet shiner ichthyotomy ridgehead dotted gizzard shad lionhead cichlid nape card conodont placoid trouter pristella alosid semionotiform fisherfolk ichthyoplanktology ukha anchor demi vegetarian spawn eater firehead tetra ichthyodorulite tiradito beard threadfish grayling sawbelly snail darter scaling bonytongue fishery scorpaeniform daubing unfishlike ciguateratoxin ichthyoallyeinotoxism longfin opercle sea dragon retinol amberjack thieboudienne catfish chondrichthian fluorophore false trevally palaeoniscid blue eye cod surfperch knifefish unfished california corbina nurseryfish prawner caranx molecular nitsuke stomiid balloonfish mesopterygium cunner goggle eye xanthorism descale satsivi piscivorous osteostracan pricklefish cut bait gar woman smeltie jack mackerel heterocerc macchi enteromyxosis pronephron eggspot sciaena iniopterygian ichthyohemotoxin surfcaster flossing spent actinotrichium metagee cysticule lophobranch andropodium trachiniform fishy bolty pectinal bryconin rainbow darter lunker moonfish cyprinodontoid doncella hatchery gill anal fin marsupium electrocyte petromyzontida rattail meridionalization ophidiiform cuckolder chondroskeleton




Definition: any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills; "the shark is a large fish"; "in the living room there was a tank of colorful fish"


Definition: the flesh of fish used as food; "in Japan most fish is eaten raw"; "after the scare about foot-and-mouth disease a lot of people started eating fish instead of meat"; "they have a chef who specializes in fish"

Pisces Fish

Definition: (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Pisces

Pisces Pisces the Fishes Fish

Definition: the twelfth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about February 19 to March 20

Definition: A cold-blooded vertebrate animal that lives in water, moving with the help of fins and breathing with gills.

Definition: A period of time spent fishing.

Definition: A counter, used in various games.

Definition: Acronym of fluorescent in situ hybridization: a molecular cytogenetic technique used to identify whether a DNA sample has a specific sequence.


fish angle

Definition: seek indirectly; "fish for compliments"


Definition: catch or try to catch fish or shellfish; "I like to go fishing on weekends"

Definition: To hunt fish or other aquatic animals in a body of water.

We hope you enjoyed looking up some related words and definitions. We use various open machine learning and human sources to provide a more coherent reference that pure AI can provide. Although there are similar sites out there, they are filled with nonsense and gibberish due to their pure machine learning approach. Our dataset is in part derived from ConceptNet and WordNet with our own sprinkle of magic. We're always working on improving the data and adding more sources. Thanks for checking us out!